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Hotel Barion - Privacy Policy 1

Privacy Policy

Information on the processing of personal data

This Policy refers exclusively to the website  (hereinafter the "Site")

and does not affect other websites that may be accessed through external links. It is intended as

information provided pursuant to the European Regulation on data protection (below

also "GDPR") and the Italian industry legislation (hereinafter, overall, "Regulation

Applicable") to those who interact with the Site, by consulting the relevant pages.

With regard to cookies, please refer to the Cookie Policy, to be understood

as an integral part of this Policy.

The information may be subject to changes following the introduction of new rules, so

we invite you to periodically visit this section for the update.







The Data Controller is EURODOMUS S.R.L., with registered office in Via C. Rosalba, n. 47/z -

70124 Bari (BA), P.IVA and C.F. 05498010726, Tel. +39 080 5430266, e-mail,

PEC, hereinafter also "Data Controller".

For any clarification, information, exercise of the rights listed in this statement, you

make contact with:


address for sending registered mail: S.S. 16 Km 816 Direction Brindisi - 70126 Bari (BA).



"Personal data" means any information that may directly or

indirectly the identification of users.


  1. a) Navigation data.

The computer systems and software procedures responsible for the operation of this Site acquire,

during their normal operation, certain personal data the transmission of which is implicit in the use of

Internet communication protocols.

This data category includes, for example, IP addresses or domain names of computers and

of the terminals used by users, addresses in URI/URL (Uniform Resource notation

Identifier/Locator) of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit

the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the status

the response given by the server (good end, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and

the user’s IT environment.

These data, necessary for the use of web services, are also processed for the purpose of:

  1. obtain statistical information on the use of the services (most visited pages, number of visitors

by time or day, geographical area of origin, etc);

  1. to monitor the proper functioning of the services offered;
  2. ascertain liability in the event of offences against the Website or carried out through the Website

web (malware attempts, spamming, abusive access to computer systems, etc.).


  1. b) Data actively communicated by the user.

The following definitions shall apply:

- information submitted by users on an optional and voluntary basis through compilation and

sending the contact forms and/or data collection published on the Website (e.g. name and surname,

e-mail address, telephone number, address, etc.);

- personal data provided by users who submit the subscription request to the newsletter;

- personal data released by candidates who fill in the form "Work with us" and upload

your CV on the Site.

Optional, explicit and voluntary use of the aforementioned channels of communication with the Data Controller

involves the acquisition of the contact data of the sender, necessary to respond, as well as all data

included in communications.

The sending of such data is optional, however the omission of the data to be included in the mandatory fields does not

allows the Data Controller to verify the request sent.

In particular, by requesting the subscription to the newsletter, the user agrees that his email address will be used for sending informative and commercial material. The release of this data shall not

depends on a legal or contractual obligation and is therefore optional, however its failure

indication does not allow the company to perform the requested service. The processing takes place

through computerized systems. The user can unsubscribe from the newsletter in any

using the "deleted" link at the bottom of each commercial communication received,

or by contacting

The Data Controller will process your data in compliance with the Applicable Law,

assuming that they refer to the same user or to third parties who have expressly

or whose personal data the user is entitled to confer. With respect to

such hypotheses, the user undertakes to indemnify and hold the Data Controller harmless from any

dispute, claim, claim for damages from processing of personal data that

should come from such third parties.

Please help us to keep your personal data up to date by informing us of any



  1. c) Cookies and other tracking systems.

For details of cookies, please refer to the Cookie Policy.




Given the above, the personal data acquired will be processed for the following purposes:

  1. a) respond to requests for information.

Legal basis of processing: need to implement pre-contractual measures taken at

user request [cf. art. 6, par. 1, lett. b), of the GDPR].


  1. b) fulfil administrative obligations;
  2. c) provide feedback on any requests to exercise the rights that the current legislation in

personal data protection law recognises the user as a data subject.

Legal basis of processing: need to comply with legal obligations to which it is required to comply

the Data Controller [art. 6, par. 1, lett. c), of the GDPR].


  1. d) respond to any complaints, complaints or complaints from the user;
  2. e) verify any fraudulent or otherwise illegal use of the Site and ensure its security and

functionality in the interest of users and the Data Controller;

  1. f) conduct statistical research/analysis on aggregated or anonymous data, without the possibility of

identify you, measure your traffic, and assess your usability and interest in the Site;

  1. g) manage technical cookies uploaded to the Site;
  2. h) store, host and manage the Site’s backend infrastructure;
  3. i) allow the user to be directed to the social profiles of the Site owner and

interact with them;

  1. j) establish, exercise or defend a right in court or whenever the authorities

Member States shall exercise their functions.

Legal basis of processing: legitimate interest of users to receive feedback on

any reports, complaints or disputes made; legitimate interest of the Data Controller

treatment and the same users to prevent or detect any fraudulent use or, in any case,

unlawful acts of the Site; legitimate interest of the Data Controller to verify the usability and attractiveness

of the Site and to report the existence of the social profiles of the owner of the Site and the possibility to

interact with them; legitimate interest of the Data Controller, where appropriate, to exercise or defend a

law in court or whenever courts exercise their functions jurisdictional [art. 6, par. 1, lett. f), of the GDPR].

  1. k) manage the profiling cookies uploaded to the Site;
  2. l) allow registration and, subsequently, forward the newsletter for information purposes and


Legal basis of processing: user consent [cf. art. 6, par. 1, lett. a), of the GDPR].




The provision of personal data by the user is optional. Nevertheless, the failure

conferral of the same, in whole or in part, could make it impossible to provide feedback

to any requests for information/ estimates and/ or requests to subscribe to the newsletter and/ or requests

of exercise of rights.




The data processed to comply with legal obligations will be kept for the period of time indicated

from the specific legislation or until they are fulfilled, and in any case for the period of

time necessary to demonstrate compliance; the data processed to fulfill pre-contractual purposes

and/or contractual until they are fulfilled and, where a

contract or there have been pre-contractual negotiations, for ten years from the conclusion of the same for the purpose

to allow any judicial or extrajudicial protection and the demonstration of the correct

fulfillment of the contractually assumed obligations.

When the processing of personal data is necessary for the pursuit of a legitimate interest

personal data will be kept until the satisfaction of this interest or until

any opposition from the data subject, to be exercised in the manner indicated below.

If you subscribe to the newsletter, your data will be stored for 24 months from the date

we have obtained your last consent for this purpose.

The cookie retention times can be found in the Cookie Policy.

This maximum storage period could be extended, if the conditions are met, in order to

to allow the Holder to exercise and defend a right in court or whenever the

courts shall exercise their judicial functions or at the request of the latter.




On this Website, data is collected electronically and processed through operations

carried out mainly with the aid of electronic instruments, ensuring the use of suitable measurements

for the security of the processed data and ensuring their confidentiality.




The categories of recipients who may become aware of your personal data during or

after the performance of the contract are:

  1. a) companies, consultants or professionals possibly in charge of installation, maintenance,

update and, in general, management of the hardware and software of the

processing, including providers of hosting providers and cloud computing, companies that

offer services of management and development of the Site, and that all act typically as

Data Processors pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 28 of the GDPR;

  1. b) persons, bodies or authorities who, as independent data controllers, are required to

communicate your personal data in accordance with the law or orders of the authorities;

  1. c) companies comprising lawyers, associate firms, consultants or professionals (for example, consultancies

legal, administrative and/or tax advice) to support the

Data Controller: in the correct fulfillment of legal obligations to which compliance

he is required to; in establishing, exercising or defending a right in court or

whenever courts exercise their judicial functions;

  1. d) persons authorised by the Data Controller to process personal data pursuant to and for the effects referred to in

art. 29 of the GDPR and art. 2-quaterdecies of the Italian Privacy Code and have received

specific instructions on how to process data in accordance with the Law





The processing of personal data relating to the services of the Website takes place at the headquarters of

the Data Controller and are handled only by authorized personnel. The data collected will not be

disseminated. However, for the actual execution of the requested service, some data will be shared with

subjects external persons called to carry out specific assignments on behalf of the Data Controller (e.g.:

hosting providers, housing, cloud, email service providers for Site publication and management needs

e-mail/PEC service, web agency, marketing consultants, professionals, etc.).

The Website is hosted at a Data Center located in Europe.

In the case of possible transfer of data to Third Countries (non-EU), including Countries that could

not guarantee the same level of protection provided by the applicable Privacy Policy, the Data Controller

notes that the processing will take place in any case in one of the ways allowed by the GDPR,

such as your consent, the adoption of Standard Clauses approved by the Commission

European, the selection of subjects belonging to international programs for the free movement of

data, or operating in countries considered safe by the European Commission.

It is possible to have more information, on request, at the Data Controller at the contacts indicated above.

More information can be obtained from the Data Controller by writing to the following address:

The Data Controller undertakes to protect the security of personal data by adopting all

IT and physical measures necessary for the protection of the personal data provided. No

security guarantees with absolute certainty such protection, therefore, except in cases of liability for

fault, the Data Controller is not liable for the fact made by third parties who abusively

access the systems without the necessary permissions. For these reasons, it is suggested to users of the Site

ensure that your computer is equipped with appropriate software to protect the transmission

data network (for example, updated antivirus) and that your Internet provider has taken measures

suitable for the security of networked data transmission.




Art. 13 para. 2 and Articles 15 to 22 of Reg. EU 2016/679 (GDPR) list the rights of the user.

The Owner therefore intends to inform you about the existence of:

  - the data subject’s right to request access to personal data from the data controller (Art. 15 GDPR),

rectification (art. 16 GDPR) or the limitation of the processing concerning it (art. 18 GDPR) or

object, for legitimate reasons, to their processing (Art. 21 GDPR), in addition to the right to the portability of

data (art. 20 GDPR);

  - the right to request deletion (Art. 17 GDPR), anonymisation or

blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those whose

storage in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed.


Requests can be addressed to the Data Controller, without formalities or, alternatively,

using the model provided by the Data Protection Authority available on the Site: , by sending

an e-mail to: .


If the processing is based on art. 6, paragraph 1, letter a) or art. 9, paragraph 2 lett.

a), you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the

processing based on consent given prior to withdrawal.


Similarly, in the event of a breach of law, the user has the right to lodge a complaint with the

Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data, as the authority responsible for the control of processing in

the Italian State. The model to submit the complaint to the Italian Data Protection Authority can be found at: .


For a more in-depth examination of your rights, see art. 15 and ss. GDPR.

To exercise one or more of these rights, you can contact us at the following e-mail address:



This Cookie Policy refers exclusively to  (hereinafter the "Site")

and must be understood as an integral part of the Privacy Policy of the same, to which reference is made,

including the rights that the user may assert by contacting the addresses already indicated.

Pursuant to art. 13 and 14 Reg. EU 2016/679 (GDPR), as well as according to the provisions of the Guarantor

for the protection of personal data with resolution of 08.05.2014 for the identification of the modalities

simplified for the information and the acquisition of consent to the use of cookies, as well as with the "Lines

Guide on the use of cookies and other tracking tools" of 10.06.2021 and in compliance with

all subsequent clarifications, with this information the Data Controller provides its Cookie Policy.

The Cookie Policy is intended to provide the user with all the information related to art. 13 and 14 Reg.

EU 2016/679 (GDPR), and to describe in a specific and analytical way the characteristics and

purposes of cookies installed on the Site.


  1. What are cookies?

Cookies are strings of small codes that the sites visited by the user send to his

terminal (usually to the browser: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc.), where

are stored to be then retransmitted to each occurrence or subsequent access to the same

sites by the same user.


  1. Why are they useful?

Through the use of cookies, the Website visited recognizes the user’s device and this determines

an improvement of the browsing experience. Among the different purposes of cookies there is that of

allow the user to effectively navigate between the pages of the Website, remember the favorite sites,

memorize the language, etc.


  1. How do I select or disable cookies?

By changing your browser settings, cookies may be limited or blocked.

For the management of cookies, please refer to the instruction manual or to the instructions

provided by your browser following the following paths (related to the most common browsers):






If the user uses multiple browsers, the procedure for the cancellation of cookies must be carried out

for each of them. If the user uses different devices (such as smartphones or tablets), for the

You will need to refer to the instruction manual of your device.

It should be noted that if you choose to block the receipt of cookies this could compromise

or prevent the proper functioning of the Website as some cookies are strictly necessary

to navigation.


  1. How many types of cookies are there?

Cookies are classified into different types:

 - in relation to DURATION, the cookie may be "session" (automatically deleted at

   browser closure) or "persistent" (active until its expiry date or its

   cancellation by the user);

  - in relation to ORIGIN, the cookie can be "first part" (sent to the browser

    directly from the Site you are visiting) or "third party" (sent to the browser from other sites

    and not from the Site you are visiting);

  - in relation to the PURPOSES, the cookie may be "technical" or "profiling". The cookie

   "technical" is navigation, essential, performance, process or safety; is

   "technical" also the cookie functionality, language preferences, session status; is finally cookies

   "technical" means the statistical-analytical first-party or third-party with IP masking,

    without data crossing. For the installation of "technical" cookies you do not need your prior consent.

   It is, instead, cookie "profiling" the statistical-analytical third that uses the entire address

   IP; also is "profiling" cookie advertising, advertising, tracking or

   conversions. The installation of "non-technical" cookies requires your prior consent.


  1. What cookies does this Site use?

The technical cookies:

This Website uses "technical" cookies, without the use of which some operations would result

very complex or impossible to execute. Technical cookies do not require prior consent

by the user for the purpose of their installation or reading of information.


These are technical cookies c.d. strictly necessary that allow you to effectively navigate the

Website and exploit its essential features, such as allowing you to run

computer authentication, storing previous actions. Blocking the use of these

cookies your browsing experience may be compromised and some services

essential may not be provided.


This Website also uses functional c.d. technical cookies that allow you to improve

the browsing experience by storing the preferences expressed by the user, such as language, name,

the place. In addition, these cookies can be used to provide services proactively or to

prevent the user from receiving services that the same has previously refused. Blocking these

the browsing experience will not be compromised, however the user will not be able to use the

useful services offered.


This Website may have also installed technical cookies for the storage of

consent. We recommend not to block these cookies that allow the owner of the Website to

archive the provision of consent by the user.


Cookies of third parties:

This Website also uses third-party cookies, some session cookies and some persistent cookies.

The technical analytical cookies of third parties installed on this Website allow us to collect

information on how users interact with the Site, analyzing the number of

visited pages, the time spent on the Website, the most visited pages and any other events

during navigation, such as any errors coming from the page visited. Such cookies

allow the Website Owner to obtain statistical data related to navigation and, based on

may improve the services offered to the user.


Third-party cookies used on this Website are not controlled directly by

Owner of the Site and consequently, for the deactivation of the same or for more information,

the user must follow the following procedures:

1) by clicking  the user can obtain more information

third-party cookies and cookies stored on your terminal. You may proceed to

deactivation of all or only some of these cookies by clicking the following link:


2) below will be listed the third-party cookies used in this Website. For the management

and the deactivation of these cookies you must access the information and consent forms of

such third parties.

The Website uses Google Analytics for the installation of technical analytical cookies on the terminal

the user. The data generated by Google Analytics are stored in the terms indicated in the information

available at the following address:

The privacy policy of Google Inc. can be found at the following address:

You can disable Google Analytics by installing the add-on on your browser

opt-out provided to the following address:

Blocking these cookies will not compromise your browsing experience.


On some pages of the site there are interactive maps provided by Google Inc., which may

install cookies for the collection of information and preferences related to the service. For more

information on this service and for the deactivation of related cookies, the user can consult the

privacy policy by Google:


The detailed list of cookies used by the Site is available within the cookie banner. Yes

please also read the Privacy Policy to understand how the Site

uses the personal data collected through cookies.


  1. Social Buttons

On the Site there are "buttons" (called "social buttons/widgets") that depict the icons of

social networks or other services (for example, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube). These buttons

allow users who are browsing the Site to be redirected directly to profiles

social media of the owner of the Site. In these cases, the social network of reference acquires the relevant data

to the user’s visit. Outside of these cases, where the user spontaneously share, with

a click on  button your browsing data with the social network chosen, the Site does not

will share with this/the last/the any browsing information or user data acquired

through the Site itself. About the processing of personal data carried out by the managers of social

network to which it will be accessible through the buttons on the Site, please refer to the information

on the processing of personal data provided by the managers of social networks in their respective privacy policies.

In particular, for more information on Facebook cookies and the processing of personal data

by Facebook, see respectively:


In particular, for more information on Instagram cookies and the processing of personal data

by Instagram refers, respectively, to:  maybe_redirect_pol=0


In particular, for more information on Twitter cookies and the processing of personal data by

part of Twitter refers, respectively, to:


In particular, for more information on Youtube cookies and the processing of personal data

on behalf of Youtube, see respectively:


  1. Updating the Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy may be periodically updated. For this reason we

advises to consult it regularly in order to be properly informed about the

cookies used by the Site.

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